Friday, December 25, 2009

I'm turning a page in my life

Today is the day I have been dreading for months. Christmas Day 2009 and my 47th birthday. .. We ate breakfast at the hotel and then we got the call that the driver came. I was very proud of my husband who witnessed to the Muslim driver and we all prayed and blessed him at the airport.
We checked in to a not- so- crowded airport, but it was still a mess with 8 pieces of luggage and numberous carry ons, including a violin, 3 pillows and my new red backpack. At check in, John was asked if he wanted first class and to my surprise he gave me his first class seat as a birthday present. I daresay that I can get accustomed to this first class flying idea. I ate chicken salad with soup, fresh fruit and a brownie. . .the riff raff/my family had a turkey dog. Also, I did not miss the crying baby or the toddler that kept saying that he had to throw up.
My friend, Molly called me in the airport about one minute before boarding to say, "Happy birthday." I had all my emotional composure until that time.
The take off was one of the smoothest I have ever experienced and there was very little turbulence. I was thankful.
I spent the time on the plane reading the Sarah Palin book, Going Rogue. They played the movie G Force which I thought was boring.
Here is a funny quote from Sarah Palin: I always remind people outside our state that there is plenty of room for all of Alaska's animals-right next to the mashed potatoes.
We arrived in Calgary to see snow, about 25 degrees F, but I can see that I'm going to have to learn Celsius soon.
We had to go through customs, immigration, get our luggage and then through some exit interview. We were pretty tired and the workers didn't want to be there on Christmas Day.
We got a taxi home. It was dark, so we couldn't see the city, but it was very hilly.. . .and the roads were not that cleared. The taxi driver couldn't even get out of our driveway, so John had to help him. Hmmmm
In the house, John had set up a Christmas tree and had already cooked an entire turkey that he had cut up and frozen. He also set our new kitchen table with my Christmas china. It was a nice surprise.
We went through each room of the house to learn all its nuances. The owner of the house has alot of gadgets and funny things. a built in spice cabinet, lots of light dimmers, 2 ovens and a warmer. We also have our first refrigerator with water in the door!!!!
Even though I'm happy to see our new house, there is some sadness in the permanence of leaving our old house/city/friends.
We opened one present each tonight: Joshua got a huge box of Axe deodorant, the girls got books on braiding hair, Noah got a Hank the Cowdog CD, John got some undershirts.
Claire said that it was just Anne of Green Gables says, I'm turning a page in my life.


  1. We thought of you guys yesterday as you made your journey north. Had a hard time finding the blog as I thought you said Traveling Joyfully. Renae corrected me and I guess Hopefully was more honest. I will be following your blog -- my first to actually follow -- and can't wait to hear about how God blesses you through your faithfulness.

  2. And how exciting to see what new adventures God will write on those pages! Thanks for the updates. I look forward to reading more :-)


  3. Yes, dear Marie, thanks so much for posting and giving us a glimmer into what your day was like. We thought of you often and kept looking at the clock and saying, "Well, they are probably getting dressed now," and "The taxi will pick them up soon," and "I bet they are checking in at the airport now, " and so on. You get the idea.

    We love you and miss you and look forward to seeing what God does with your family.

    What a sweet surprise of John! He told me he had a few tricks up his sleeve for you!

  4. Oh, wow, first class for your Birthday...and so deserving! that John, he's a gem of a guy...what things he thought of to have ready for you! That's so neat to read!
    I look forward to hearing more of your adventures.....

