Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Grace's Description of Me

Grace made this for me today!

Monday, September 6, 2010

What I DId for my Summer Vacation

On the eve of the first day of school, I wanted to write the perfunctory essay entitled : What I Did for my Summer Vacation. I don't know why most American teachers engage in this ritual. It may be to separate the bluebirds from the crows, take some time to finish up lesson plans or savor the last few minutes of peace and quiet. Anyway, here is my contribution.

The summer is so short here from June-Labour Day. The snow was already covering the mountains today and I was wearing my "3rd winter coat."

We were honoured to have Grandma and the McCallums visit along with lots of dinner guests and invitations out. From the Icefields to Banff to Lake Louise and the Stampede, we always go so many more places with people coming to visit.

One of my favorite things was the weekend away that Grace and I took at a retreat centre in the mountains. I loved that old house overlooking a stream. Their idea was not to bring an agenda, but just relax and talk to God. There was a saying on the wall that said something about anytime you feel worried, don't blame God, you are just taking on more than the burdens of one day. I hope to remember that. John and Joshua had their own retreat.

It is noteworthy to add that I lost 15 lbs in June and have kept it off so far.

I guess I'd say that after 8 months, some of the newness of Canada is wearing off. I can at least find my way around the city better. We have had so many new experiences. I am even learning to lose my American accent.

I woke up to our Labour Day "dress rehearsal" for school. Noah was singing a song that said, " I know my mom loves me because she makes me do school and doesn't want me to end up mopping floors at Starbucks." I think we got through one subject.

Tomorrow we are starting piano lessons in the morning and the youngest are going to the dentist in the afternoon. I made the appointment so long ago that I can't remember the name of the dentist and I couldn't even get an appointment for a cleaning, only a time to meet the dentist.

The days are getting shorter with the responsibilities getting longer. It does have a cozy feel to be at home again and be together.