Happy Memorial Day! We usually can't make snowmen but at this time of year when the snow falls near freezing temperatures, we get a wet snow that is perfect for making snowmen.
Here is a poem that Joshua wrote for John a couple of years ago.
I'd like to introduce a man and show my love as best I can. A splendid teacher without a bend I've never had a truer friend. He was there with every sorrow I had This amazing man is my dad.
Happy Birthday Baby
Kelsey having a ball
Dear Kelsey,
Today you aren't a teenager anymore and I'm no longer the mom of a
teenager. Any teenagers.
You might think you got the ...
Why, hello there, blogosphere.
It's afternoon. I'm sitting in my window sill - you know, the one that has
worn spots from being occupied for long hours of study, and the smudges of
You probably figured this out but...
...this blog is on hiatus. I'm running out of pantry space for new types of
tea. Don't worry, I still love tea (Earl Grey with a little bit of milk,
It costs nothing to dream, and everything not to.
I have hopes and dreams, goals and vision for the future, for my children,
for my family, etc. It makes ...